Category: Cycling

Revolutionizing the Cycling Industry: How 3D Printing is Changing the Game

Introduction 3D printing technology has revolutionized numerous industries, including manufacturing and healthcare. However, 3D printing is also being used in sports to help athletes improve their performance, as well as to customize equipment so they can perform better and take fewer risks during training. In this article Marty Nothstein will explore how 3D printing is […]

The Intersection of Technology and Cycling: Advancements in Wearables and Smart Bikes

Introduction Cyclists are known for being active and adventurous. But in today’s busy world, it can be difficult to stay fit. Say’s Marty Nothstein, wearables and smart bikes are helping cyclists get more involved with their health, safety, and performance. Let’s look at what these technologies mean for cyclists and how they can be used […]

Pedaling into the Future: The Rise of Electric Bikes

Introduction In the past, electric bikes were seen as gimmicks for tinkerers and hobbyists. Today, however, their popularity is growing rapidly among casual riders and commuters alike. Electric bikes have many advantages over traditional bikes, including increased safety and performance. Electric bikes are becoming more popular in the US. Electric bikes are becoming more popular […]